We often say to our customers that our team has one of the best jobs in the world! We not only get to meet fabulous people…from all walks of life…in all industries – but we get to lead them through interactive, engaging and fun activities. It’s like camp, but for adults. We think everyone should have some fun in the workplace – and we want to give some away for free! For the month of August, Teambonders will be holding a very special contest – at the end of which, we’ll be giving away a free team building event!
We’ll post the specific contest details on our website, on our social media pages and through our e-Newsletter. At the conclusion of the contest, we’ll draw a lucky winner from all of the qualifying entries and give this VIP (and 19 of his/her co-workers or friends) a free custom Teambonders program!
The contest announcement will be posted shortly…so stay tuned. In the interim, we want to wish all of our Canadian friends a safe and enjoyable long weekend with their families!
– Teambonders