Chances are you’ve heard the term somewhere before. But what is team building anyway? How does it apply to our everyday lives? And more importantly – what does it mean to you? Whether your goal is a more efficient & cohesive workforce, a happier & more harmonious family unit – or other – team building principles can play an important role in managing all of the challenging situations that regularly confront us in all aspects of day-to-day life.
THE WORKPLACE: Whether you’re at the office, on a factory floor, or working from home, the benefits of team building on both morale and productivity are apparent among co-workers and management alike. When we take the time to nurture such ‘soft’ skills as collaboration, communication and strategic thinking, everyone becomes invested in the bottom line and works towards a common goal.
HOME & FAMILY LIFE: We all know team building skills apply far beyond the workplace. They’re about everyday life. Effective communication, time management and delegation of responsibility can make all the difference between quality time spent with the ones we love – versus potential stress and aggravation. Harmonious interaction in the home fosters cooperation, respect for one another and creates a powerful ripple effect far beyond.
SCHOOL: Aside from being the foundation of our analytical, social and relationship skills, school is also where we start to develop and hone our problem solving skills and how to follow instructions. It is the environment where many of us are first exposed to working in groups, leadership responsibilities, and a broader sense of the diverse world around us. Team building helps teach us to be part of a community.
RECREATION & PLAY: Be it in the backyard with your friends, on the playground with your classmates, or on an organized sports team with your co-workers and peers, how we “play” and interact with others is a critical part of everyday life. There’s a well-known saying “there’s no I in T-E-A-M”. But if there was ever going to be one, we suggest it should stand for “inclusion” – because we all crave a sense of belonging.
Just a few examples of how team building ideologies potentially impact people of all ages – some food for thought for all of us. We’ll be aspiring, each month, to supply an assortment of fun, thought-provoking, motivating, and engaging material. We thank you for taking the time to read our inaugural post and hope that you’ll continue to stop by!
– Teambonders