Teambonders Blog

Boost Employee Engagement - Wellness Activities for Remote Employees

Written by Teambonders | May, 27, 2020

Skipping the commute, saving on gas and takeout, having more work-life balance, less face to face time and interruptions from customers and colleagues when you just aren’t in the best of mood or have a tight deadline - Sure! Working from home definitely has its perks. But, let’s get real for a moment.  It can also be daunting!

After weeks of working from home, especially when social isolation is keeping us there the rest of the day as well, we start to crave the things we used to take for granted. We desire a change of scenery. We miss the companionship of our friends and coworkers, being able to sit down and chat about the latest project on a whim, having people to bounce ideas off of. 

The line between home and work has begun to blur. 

And even if you are still one of the many who have to go into work each day, all of the new rules and guidelines are taking up so much of our brain power that by the time we get home we are mentally exhausted.  

It’s stressful – we get it. And believe us when we say you are not alone. 

There are a lot of things you and your team members can do from home to help take away some of the strain and the associated worry, and, in turn, improve remote employee engagement. 

  • Take a Break - Making sure you take regular breaks from work and the news is a great way to relax. Whether it is visiting another world inside of our favourite book or heading out on the porch to take in the beautiful weather and watch the nature around us come to life, finding a way to escape within your home will go a long way.

  1. Take Care of Yourself – The days and hours seem to bleed into each other these days and many of us are getting a little lax when it comes to our regular schedules. But making sure you get enough sleep, eat regular and well-balanced meals and take the time to exercise is a great way to keep your brain healthy and focus on well-being. Because the healthier we are mentally and physically, the easier it is to deal with the stresses in our lives.

  2. Take It Easy on Taking It Easy – It’s a great idea to take some time to unwind and do the things you love. But getting carried away on the rest and relaxation can sometimes do more harm than good. Take the time to find ways to be productive around the house or brainstorm some new activities you have always wanted to try. This will help you feel like you are accomplishing tasks, giving you a sense of satisfaction and appreciation. Not to mention it will help add variety to the time you are spending at home.

  3. Take Time For Loved Ones – It’s true that visiting family and friends isn’t as easy as it once was but taking time out of your day to reach out to them via phone or video chat can really help you feel more connected. Well texting and emails can also be good, hearing and seeing other people will make it seem more personable. Plus, they may discover a new way to keep busy while you catch up. 

If you haven’t already, we highly recommend reaching out to your team and sharing potential coping mechanisms, like the ones we mentioned above, so that you can feel confident that your team has the tools to stay at the top of their game. 

How You Can Bring More Motivation into Your Employees Lives

Unfortunately, many of the things your employees can do to keep themselves feeling happy and healthy relies on them taking the initiative. While you can recommend tips and tricks for coping with stress and isolation, you cannot force your team to participate. 

But don’t get discouraged. 

There are other ways that you can help your team bond and find enjoyment during these trying times. 

One of our favourites is our online team building event - Virtual Bonding with Stars!

If you’re looking to engage and motivate your team, why not opt for a virtual event hosted by some of their favourite celebrities?

We can deliver a virtual performance with Stand-up comics, monologue and all. 

Or host a cooking demonstration with celebrity chefs. 

Looking for some inspiration? We can connect your team with famous broadcasters and personalities who would love to share their stories about perseverance and determination.

Have a lot of sports fans? Re-live some of the greatest sports moments with professional and amateur athletes from the NFL, NHL, MLA and NBA. 

Or learn something new from industry professionals, whether it is in your field or just a general hobby you enjoy. 

At Teambonders, we can connect you with stars that will leave a lasting and memorable impression on your team. And you won’t have to lift a finger. 

So, add a bit of fame and fun to your next online company meeting and give your employees something fun to look forward to and talk about (when they take that time to connect with loved ones).